Ten Ways To Woo Real Estate Agents
So They Work With You Every Time
Learn actionable steps you can use to attract real estate agents attention and increase the number of agents
who refer you EVERY TIME.
You hear it all the time, “Just call some Realtors and see if they will recommend your services to their clients.” Realtors and stagers should be like two peas in a pod. You make their houses beautiful and they sell them faster for happy homeowners, but somehow it feels like they won’t listen to all the great reasons to hire you!
Join Christine Rae and her guest Real Estate Marketing Expert, Tara Jacobsen for this hour long webinar as they teach actionable steps you can use to attract their attention and increase the number of Realtors who refer you EVERY TIME.
They will teach you how to cut through the red tape that seems to keep agents on guard, what to say once they notice you, how to become a trusted advisor and more! (including one really powerhouse idea that will get you in front of SO many more Realtors than you ever dared imagine!)
Participants will learn:
- How to find agents who are happy to work with you
- Marketing tips and tricks to get Realtors referring you
Fee: $25