Q: Dear Christine, My question is the age old one about painting walls before selling. My walls are white and some are beige. Isn’t that neutral? My friend said now I am selling I need to add pop color on walls to bring a designer look like on TV. What is your advice? Mary, Kentucky
A: Dear Mary in Kentucky, Freshly painted walls are one of the top interior features most buyers look for and 60% of the first impression of a room comes from color alone. Color either works for you or against you so why take the risk? When selling property it is best to stay to tried and true but neutral doesn’t have to be boring. Using the 60/30/10 principles and the CSP seven layers you can create interest, excitement and allure. Remember when selling property where ever the eye rests the sale begins. Making sure the eye is drawn to features of property not cushions art and décor. PS remember TV is for entertainment not real life.