Submit your company’s application NOW, don’t wait.
All applications are considered confidential – only judges will review.
The application package must be typewritten in 12-point type and shall not exceed 10 single-sided pages, double spaced.
Up to five extra pages of attachments, media clippings, etc., may be submitted.
No videos or products will be accepted.
Three bound copies of the completed application package must be provided.
Materials will not be returned unless requested and at your expense.
Incomplete or late applications will automatically be disqualified.
Once judging is finalised submissions will be shredded.
The judges will look for a great business model, initiative, determination and resilience.
Company Nominations & Applications:
- Companies may apply for one or more award categories.
- Nominations may be made by owners, or with permission employees, clients and or service providers.
- Must be a CSP® Member in Good Standing.
Be succinct in your submission however include:
- A business definition, company structure, competitive, growth and financial strategies and at least two external references. (not family)
- Financial and marketing information is an important and quantifiable indicator of success for our judges, and is required for all award categories. All the information submitted is confidential. Our judges are bound by a strict confidentiality agreement.
- Final determination of the number of categories of awards to be presented will be decided by the independent panel of judges based on the quality of nominations received.
The deadline for all submissions is August 1st, 2011 

1. CSP® Real Estate Staging Entrepreneurial Spirit of the Year;
Recognizing individual CSP® entrepreneurs for achievements during the eligibility period recipient will be an individual who has maintained management excellence over a sustained period of time. The business must have been founded more than two years and the founder, must still be active in the management of the business. Recipient earns his/her primary income from the business, is responsible for its day–to–day management, and is a model of entrepreneurship. Show a minimum 30% increase, or higher in sales and profits, for each of the past two years. Recipient will demonstrate clear vision, plan for success, and what they have learned from overcoming obstacles and mistakes.
2. CSP® Most Promising – Rising Star Award:
Awarded to CSP® who can support outstanding accomplishments in the past and present and has the vision and plans to lead their company to success in the near future. The recipient has a comprehensive business plan, and is ready for the next–stage of growth.
Criteria: Nominees must be in continued leadership of a registered business for no less than 6 months, with a month over month sales and profit increase.
3. CSP® Green Bud Business Award of the Year:
The Green Bud Award is intended to recognize a person or business that has made an effort to significantly improve and protect our environment by implementing green practices. The recipient will also demonstrate how it impacts other local businesses to alter their practices to ensure the sustainability of both our environment and economy.
4. CSP® Mentor of the Year:
Recognizing the individual who provided the best support and guidance to other CSP®s in business during the eligibility period.
5. CSP® Best Overall Company of the Year:
Recognizing business owner for their accomplishments during the eligibility period. The recipient will have applied practical, innovative and market-oriented approach to his or her business. Then through innovation, strategic thinking and smart execution, built a successful company with a track record of growth and profitability. This pre–eminent entrepreneur is positioned well for the future and can demonstrate the drive, managerial acumen and leadership traits which have guided the business success. Demonstrates high standards and best practices.
6. CSP® Trailblazer Company of the Year:
Recognizing business that demonstrated extraordinary growth in sales during the eligibility period from the year. The recipient will have shown exemplary management excellence over a sustained period of time, making him/her a trailblazer.
7. CSP® Business Turnaround of the Year:
Recognizing business that demonstrated a financial or other operational turnaround during the eligibility period from the year prior. This entrepreneur has successfully overcome obstacles and capitalized on opportunities to deliver 10% or more growth year over year for more than three years. Through expanded management, empowered employees, and demonstrated excellence, she has created a flexible and responsive business that is able to adapt to changing market environments and exploit opportunities for continued growth.
8. CSP® Community Involvement Program of the Year:
Recognizing best practices in community involvement and corporate social responsibility activities during the eligibility period.
9. CSP® Marketing Campaign of the Year:
Recognizing excellence in marketing by a CSP® during the eligibility period.
10. Blog of the Year:
Recognizing excellence in individual or company blogs. There is no eligibility period requirement for this category.
Peter Lytle Memorial Award

Michael E. Gerber
Michael E. Gerber’s extraordinary work has achieved stunning results by transforming more than 65,000 businesses in over 145 countries, translated in 29 languages and use in 118 universities in the world. Gerber is the author of 13 business books, including the mega-bestseller The E-Myth Revisited. His revolutionary perspective has become the gold standard for small business development throughout the world, becoming what INC Magazine calls him: The World’s #1 Small Business Guru, and one of Business Week’s bestselling authors of past decades. Michael E. Gerber has founded eleven new ventures in the past four years. His latest book is called The Most Successful Small Business In The World.
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Bodine Balasco
Many of you will remember the awesome presentation Bodine delivered at the CSP International™ Convention in Las Vegas in January He is an professional speaker/ entertainer/entrepreneur extraordinaire to the Real Estate industry and business in general. Successful Meetings Magazine named Bodine Balasco “one of the Top 21 Speakers for the 21st Century.” His Fortune 100 clients include AT&T, Boeing, 3M, Coca Cola, British Petroleum, Verizon, and Fedex. Many of them call Bodine the “the most effective speaker we’ve ever hired. Balanco says “To gain a competitive advantage in today’s marketplace, we must drive our behavior with a broader definition of service excellence. We must raise our sights, and focus on creating customer loyalty. Bodine helps you realize this is not inspirational, it’s operational. Your business success depends on the two key characteristics of loyal customers… customer retention and business referrals.
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Bethany Souza
Bethany first realized her passion for real estate when she was recruited from the hospitality field into the world of commercial brokerage. Parlaying her vast hotel experience into real estate, she became dually licensed in California and Nevada, representing Las Vegas Boulevard hotel owners, land developers and coastal estate buyers in multimillion-dollar transactions. Never one to sit on the sidelines, Bethany was quick to follow her aspirations of being a hotel owner and moved to Illinois to personally renovate, decorate and open her own small luxury inn. In addition to running the inn, staging homes and renovating rental properties, Bethany represents real estate developers in sales and design for high-profile condominium projects across the United States.
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