There are times we have all struggled or dealt with the complex challenges of selecting exterior paint colors for more than just the front door of a property. People want to buy their dream house. To ensure the buyer feels immediately proud and happy with their purchase, selecting the correct exterior colors is crucial in solidifying excellent first impressions.
Do you know that 40% of the world’s paint sales directly result from selecting the wrong color first?
Lynelle Hartman has worked with clients and taught professionals to make the correct interior and exterior color choices the first time for over thirty years. She knows from her vast experience how easily the wrong color choice can completely wreck a sale or add expenses to the project. Selecting the right color can change a property’s look, transforming from dated and tired to fresh and inviting.
Do you want to be your city’s “go-to” professional, attract new clients, and make more money? Join us for an exciting look at which new exterior colors are currently trending and how to use them to your best advantage.
Discover the most popular selections from the five color categories and address how these trending colors complement various architectural styles while aligning with the property’s existing finishes and features.
Lynelle will also show you how the new trending colors will work equally well on historic houses, mid-century, and everything else, up to new construction.
Participants will learn:
- The top trending exterior colors
- How color can evoke a different mood or feeling
- Pairing and putting together various color schemes
- Addressing color challenges and creating harmony
Teaching the Business of Staging
CSP Home Staging Today Newsletter
Is Staging Certification Necessary?
The home staging industry is unregulated and there is no “governing and regulating association”. Don’t let this alarm or dissuade you from pursing your dream. The Home Inspection industry is non- regulated also, in fact many industries are rooted in non-regulation. What it means is simply anyone can say they are a stager and anyone can provide a training course, online or in person………….. without ever having staged a home! Shocking isn’t it? We believe as a new business starting out you need as much ammunition and information as possible to position you as an expert instead of a newbie. Certification for a stager is as vital as a license is to a real estate agent.
“I wanted the best training possible. Which I believe is the CSP® Home Staging Certification Program. And I did a lot of research”.
Cathy Hobbs, CSP Instructor, Emmy Award Winning TV Personality
The first house I staged sold over asking last night!! Put on the market at $339K and sold 9 days later for 400K! The happiness I feel is so indescribable!! I just want to thank you so much for BEING CHRISTINE RAE! I don’t think I could ever have done this without your guidance and amazing program! CAN’T WAIT FOR MORE PROJECTS! The real estate agent wants to work with me too !! WOOHOO!
Yzabelle Sanico
“If you are looking to start your own staging business or want to get into the industry, CSP is what you are looking for! Christine Rae has developed a stellar turnkey program for anyone who is serious about this business.”
Stephanie Matthews