How Staging Helps Real Estate Agents

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Christine Rae influenced the staging industry from the beginning of her career, through the innovative development of a business training and certification program.
In a non-regulated industry where “anything goes” she established value for education, maintaining a steady, clear message that ethics, professionalism, systems, training, actionable knowledge and continuing education count, especially when dealing with the largest investment most people make. An industry pioneer, bestselling author, multiple award-winning entrepreneur she is most proud of the thousands of Academy’s graduates’ success and the quality of the certified trainers who travel North America and Australia teaching the CSP process, systems and proctoring the “in-field” examination.
When Christine was named as one of the top 100 Elite women who are shaping the real estate industry, she said, “staging is a serious business, not one to be treated lightly. Stagers are charged with the responsibility of not only securing the equity of the property but also visually supporting the value of it. Real certification for stagers is as important to a real estate transaction, as a license is for real estate agents. Within the next three years there will be a tsunami of need for this work and tremendous change will take place regarding how stagers work in this field”
Christine Rae, Founder and CEO of Certified Staging Professional International[...]
Christine Rae, President of CSP International Business Training Academy, a[...]
Do you ever feel like your life is out of[...]
The home staging industry is unregulated and there is no “governing and regulating association”. Don’t let this alarm or dissuade you from pursing your dream. The Home Inspection industry is non- regulated also, in fact many industries are rooted in non-regulation. What it means is simply anyone can say they are a stager and anyone can provide a training course, online or in person………….. without ever having staged a home! Shocking isn’t it? We believe as a new business starting out you need as much ammunition and information as possible to position you as an expert instead of a newbie. Certification for a stager is as vital as a license is to a real estate agent.
The first house I staged sold over asking last night!! Put on the market at $339K and sold 9 days later for 400K! The happiness I feel is so indescribable!! I just want to thank you so much for BEING CHRISTINE RAE! I don’t think I could ever have done this without your guidance and amazing program! CAN’T WAIT FOR MORE PROJECTS! The real estate agent wants to work with me too !! WOOHOO!
Yesterday I was listening to and reviewing some of the information from the “FastTrack Business Package”, it occurred to me how much thought went into putting this package together. I felt I needed to say Thank You to you and your Team. All the information taught in the class and provided in this package has given me the confidence I need to start this new chapter in my life.
I don’t know where to start. It was a fantastic class; it was such a pleasure to meet Christine and Lynelle…It was a lot of information in 3 days! I am happy and thrilled that I took this class – Thanks to everbody for their help!!
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